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Tips on quick wash/cleaning

I use a excessive amount of car wash soap with wax in the bucket of water. Then all I do on a occasion is wax painted surfaces and that's it...
I use Meguiare's quick detail, quick wax and their gold wax. Very little water, if I have dried on bugs I wet a towel and lay it on the area for about 10 min. then I use the quick detailer or Meguiare's cleaner wax. Micro fiber clothes for polishing.
+2 on Pledge, be it Lemon or regular (if one can still get it). Also try S100, just don't use it on a warm surface and rinse well. Once my bike is clean a liberal amount of Pledge. Keeps bugs etc., from sticking.
Pledge after washing and final detailing, windex works great on chrome also