Hi im a first time harley owner and i bought an 85 lowrider with a rotary trans. i put 42 miles on it and couldnt shift gears. A friend opened the top end and found that there were some broken pieces in the top end. do i need to replace the whole trans or just the top end
Hi im a first time harley owner and i bought an 85 lowrider with a rotary trans. i put 42 miles on it and couldnt shift gears. A friend opened the top end and found that there were some broken pieces in the top end. do i need to replace the whole trans or just the top end
First I would go back and kick some butt because now you know why it was sold to you. Second you need a shop manual and read it close. If it were a four speed you would need a special tool but the five speeds you can pretty much do your self. You will need to be able to take the transmission out of the bike to flush all the broken pieces in there.
i dont know all the technical terms not very knowledgable but inside the top end there is an arm with a ball on the wnd that sits in a cup and it is no longer in the cup. it is the 4 spd i know that.
my friend who is doing the work said that the top end was bad and he wasnt sure if replacing the top end would be the permanent fix or just go bad again because inside the trans is what caused the top end to go bad but he said my shift forks are fine and the gears are good no proken teeth or anything
Forgot the warning for all older five speeds. Do not use it to slow your bike down. Like down shifting two or three times when coming up to a stop light. I have see a lot of them self destruct that way. Fifth to fourty seems to be okay.