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Transmission Cover

Smooth Air

Another question...What can you use to clean the stock transmission cover and get oil and gas off of it?

Smooth Air
uh .. he forgot to tell you about elbow grease and rags, lotsa rags. However, once you get it done, its not hard to keep the cases that way, and polished aluminium is just plum pretty.
uh .. he forgot to tell you about elbow grease and rags, lotsa rags. However, once you get it done, its not hard to keep the cases that way, and polished aluminium is just plum pretty.

You got me:D
Most alum. covers are clear coated. If your rag with compound on it doesn't immediately turn very black, it is clear coated, and polishing will take forever.
I'm not sure I've ever seen coated Harley cases, other than those painted jobs. My 97 1200 has the polished cases and I have to spend a few hours each month keeping them shinny.
I'm not sure I've ever seen coated Harley cases, other than those painted jobs. My 97 1200 has the polished cases and I have to spend a few hours each month keeping them shinny.

My sportsters had clear laquer on the engine cases primary,gearcase etc after a number of years use corrosion got under the clear and it looked like spider webs on the engine covers so i removed the laquer with a gel paint stripper and can now spend many happy hours polishing the cases
