I have some questions that I would like some input from fellow gearheads. I just inspected my crankshaft runout because of course the phenolic cam chain tensioners on my 02 Dyna were worn out. The total runout is, believe it or not, +/- .0008. With it being this true I'm thinking that I'd like to go gear drive so I never have to visit the cam chest again. The items I intend to use are the Fueling hi output oil pump and cam support plate, Head Quarters Hurricane gear drive cams, Black Ops lifters and their easy install adjustable pushrods along with all the inner and outer bearing upgrades. With all this being said, because of what I do for a living I have access to cryogenic liquids, i.e. refrigerated liquid argon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. I was thinking instead of purchasing all the tools to press bearings, cams and the like I would shrink fit everything utilizing the heat/freeze method. Does anyone have any input, pros or cons, using this method especially engineers or lab people? You know if Harley-Davidson was an auto maker there would have been a major recall for this design flaw.