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Ultra Classic 2005 Battery Keeps Discharging?


New Member
Here's the issue: 2005 Ultra Classic - no security system - all stock

On the 4th battery from dealer, they changed only the stater then rebuilt my radio, 3rd & 4th nothing wrong, put in a new battery.

Bike is under extended Warranty and they are saying SORRY we can't fix it! Then they said to get a trickle charger, but I can't don't have access to plug it in!

It discharges randomly, sometimes its 2 times in a week, sometimes 3 weeks it will stay charged.

Can anyone give me any ideas to give the "specialists" at HD on how to fix this problem? Thanks!

It's been a year of taking in it and not one of them has any ideas... and now I am getting sick and tired of this.
Does youre state have a lemon law ? Cuz its getting bad out there !
People sell you things then dont stand behind them. For the money ya pay you'd think they would tell you to pick out another one.
Here's the issue: 2005 Ultra Classic - no security system - all stock

On the 4th battery from dealer, they changed only the starter then rebuilt my radio, 3rd & 4th nothing wrong, put in a new battery.

Bike is under extended Warranty and they are saying SORRY we can't fix it! Then they said to get a trickle charger, but I can't don't have access to plug it in!

It discharges randomly, sometimes its 2 times in a week, sometimes 3 weeks it will stay charged...


Welcome JTrap to HDTimeline, lots of good stuff in the tech section to help you locate schematics and other info.
First things 1st...if you do not have a Battery Tender and your bike is a 2005 GET ONE...install the battery lugs and plug harness, connect and charge the battery overnight. Continue to do so each night until you determine the problem, no point in destroying batteries by discharging them down to zero...when fully discharged only a few times, they no longer have as much reserve charge, with unseen damage to the internal plate materials.

Next...Do you have a DMM (Digital Multi-Meter)? You can go cheap here, Harbor Freight had them on sale for $1.99 w/ coupon...cheaper than a wristwatch, but for troubleshooting...priceless. Now the nitty gritty...

1.) With seat removed do the charging system voltage check...aim the headlight at the garage door or mirror to check visually and with meter across the battery start the engine. The lights should dim only slightly, and your DMM voltage my drop, but no lower than 10 to 11V...once started the voltage should be 14.2-15.0 VDC (may drop at idle to 14.2V) but never climb when reving over 15.2V (which means regulator is not limiting voltage/charge current.

2.) Check leakage current using a clamp on current probe. (DMM may be used, by putting it on the 10A scale, in series with the 30A fuse with everything OFF (included the TSSM (Alarm system) if so equipped. The leakage current must not even read on the 1A scale, once you have found nothing on 10A scale...remember do not have ignition or acessories diconnected or off totally. If you find leakage current...use a schematic to locate and isolated potential leakage paths one at a time. Will continue once you have done item 1 & most of 2 try to wrap your arms around problem.
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I understand you don't have access to a plug in for charging,so a bat. tender or a trickle charger would do you no good,even though it is a newer battery have it tested,also have the regulator checked.I can leave my bike for 3 weeks without plugging it in with little voltage drop
Have you done a charging system test yet and payed attention the any draw from the voltage regulator in particular?

If they charged you to fix or trouble shoot the problem and it still exists, contact customer relations at Harley.
Thank you all for the info. Problem here is that I am not a mechanic, that's why I purchased the HD extended warranty. I have a regular job and it's not working on bikes.... I know plenty of other people that don't have the chargers and their bikes stay charged for months even longer. There is something draining it and I think HD needs to trace the problem, not me. Thank you, I am still searching, going to call Corporate Headquarters today, for all the good it will do me. This is the 4th battery they have installed...
I am at dealership #2 now! I am calling HD cust service today and try and get an answer on what they intend to do. Thank you all!