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Vibratiom from windscreen


I have a 2009 RKC and have put the V&H oval slipons on. These soung good but when I ride with the windscreen on and a full faced helmet I get and hear bad vibrations and reverberations through my head. Without the windscreen I just get here a nice note.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of this problem?
The other than stock mufflers will change the sound of the bike itself in that you will usually hear vibrations that you wouldn't get/hear with the stock mufflers. Adding a windscreen or fairing will capture these noises behind the screen and make them sound louder. Other than ear plugs, there's not much can be done.
Thanks Glider. That is what I thought but was hoping not. The screen is great to ride with at higher speed but too noisy.
I have read plenty of your posts and are amazed at your knowlwdge and input. Keep it up as it helps us first time HD owners.

Not sure if the question is about the muffs or the helmet.
At any rate, on my 07 RKC, I find a full face so uncomfy that I'd rather do without it. My head gets buffeted badly side to side. I always have the windsheild on. Have you tried going without the helemt for a ride and see how that is? My bike is completly stock.
Vibration from windscreen "physically" is due to the disruption of airflow (like a wind sail) and actually creates a vacumn in front of the rider as well as "buffeting", depending on the tilt angle and coverage. If you wear a 1/2 helmet you will feel a lot of upward air coming from below your sight horizon. There are small wind deflectors that can be attached to the fork lowers and air dam between the fork tubes to help. :52:

As Glider says, not much you can do about the "increased noise" in the cockpit area not from the windblast but from the sound "reflections", but for most guys, as long as they can hear their "tunes" better, that is not necessarily a bad thing! Some opt for the 3/4 or full helmet to outfit headphones or ear plugs, the next thing being of course whether to go wire or wireless...a-h-h aren't choices nice? :D
Another unfortunate problem with a full fairing and windshield is the reflection of engine mechanical noise from below. I just installed a set of Hog Tunes speakers, and now I can drown out the engine noise pretty well.

I get a lot of head/helmet buffeting at speed. Makes my teeth chatter. Thought it was the bike but if you duck behind the windshield it's nice and cozy. My new ARAI helmet has a fin on the top but it doesn't do diddly for wind buffeting. I'm 5'8" and the stock windshield seems to be at the correct height. I can see over it if I sit up straight. I wonder if I need to try a taller one?
I like to have the top of the shield like yours where I can sit up straight and see over it. It's a personal preference.