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Water Spots


Junior Member
We all know about Pledge and S100, Simple Green and various other cleaners out there, but the question I pose today is about water spots. Occasionally we must all deep clean our bikes and the only way to do this is with good old fashion soap, water and elbow grease. Now I use S100 and mild scrub brushes on the engine and wheels, for the rest of the bike I use a little Simple Green, water and a soft rag. After a good rinse and blow down with a bike blower (warm air) I still end up with water spots all over the bike that I must wipe off. So how or what do you use to prevent water spots? I have tried various soaps in the past and still I end up with spots. I got tell you it is driving me nuts. I spend more time removing the spots than anything else.
Water spot can be a pain!! Try some rinse agent you use in the dishwasher, put it in with your water you wash the bike with this should help. It also is that you have hard water are you on a well or town water? A water softener will also help. Good luke:D
Ok heres what you need and youll never have spots again. Its called HYDRO SHINE. Its sold as Auto Magic Hydro Shine made by AWC in Dallas Texas. Auto supply shops shhould have it or ask around. This stuff saves me hours and hours. I buy it by the case!
water spots are usually created when the water is allowed to evaporate and the dissolved minerals in the water are left behind removing the water may be the best way to go here by using cold rather than hot air and blow the water off rather than it turning to steam and evaporating

I've tried many things over the yrs but have found that either Maguire' final Ins. or Mother's is the easiest way to get that nice glossy clean shine you want after a wash. :)

I also just use a leaf blower after washing to remove the excess water followed by spot drying with a microfibre cloth, then spray with Maguire's and presto.... she's lookin good. :s
I wash my bike with a car wash and wax added to water in bucket. I use considerably more than the directions recommend. After washing bike then blow dry I use a quality chamois and wipe bike down. No water spots for car wash has some kind of drying chemical in it that eliminates water spots. Then on with the Pledge for a showroom shine and ready for another day. Start to finish about a hour...
Buy an "Air Force Blaster".Made in the U.S.A by the Metropolitan Vacuum Cleaner Co.
This baby blows warm air at some high speed and literally BLASTS all the excess water away.This thing works great.

I use mine when i wash my cars and it makes that chore so much quicker also.
And it's much better on the paintwork-You'll never have to use a chamois again.
I actually use a blower that does blow warm air to get rid of most of the water. Yet, I always end up with the spots. I will try some of the solution that you all have recomended on the next bike wash day and see what happens.
I've had decent luck w/HD Sunwash, but w/hard water it's nearly impossible to get anything from spotting. Persistence & time are pretty much the best tools w/black paint detailing...