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White Stuff On My Exhaust

I have what looks like from reading the forums, I'm guessing here, my wife's tennis shoe that appears to have scorched on my right side exhaust. It's white in color and very thin. I have tried never dull, pledge, windex and the pipe shines like new, but that mark is still there. I asked the dealer about it and he told me to bring it to him and they would use a solvent that "cleans anything" off of pipes. Would not tell what this miracle solvent is.

What would you astute gentlemen recommend to this here rookie to get this stuff off my pipe. Thanks in advance.
Hey Sibe have you tried to use a clean thick cloth to rube the stuff off with the exhaust hot, I have been able to remove heal marks off that why. Also with the pipes cold try WD40, followed by chrome wax, again this has worked for me, last thought is try to use your finger nail, and some wax in a small scratching motion, small area only at first, than use wax to be sure you don't leave a scratch in the chrome. All you can do is keep useing different things, good luck
Spray brake clean on a rag and hold it on the spot for a few seconds and it should come right off. Acetone also works.