I'm 62. I can still recall , in vivid detail, being 10 years old and my dad taking me to his friend's house to see his 'Full Dress' Harley. I can still see that big man standing on the kickstand and with one pump, that big old, Red and White Harley coming to life. The sound, the vibration, and the smell of that Harley running is still in my head and my nostrils. I wanted one of those monsters from that moment. It only took me until I was 58 to own one. It took me over a year to not be intimidated by it. ( after the first week or so with it, I almost decided to sell it because it felt just too much for my 5'7'' size...So glad I didn't sell.)
I watched 'ride like a pro' over and over..practiced a lot in parking lots. I'm no longer intimidated by it although, always aware that I must not make a mistake. I dropped it three times in the first three years..This past season was a total success.
In short, it is/was the motorcycle I always wanted.