I am having a hard time with a concept that I have been reading about and would like some input. Is there something inadequate about the ventilation system in a big twin engine? Do you need to switch out the breathers to a separate catch can or filter option? Any input or direction to an existing thread would help. Thanks
Venting to the atmosphere will minimize carbon build up as has been pointed out. You didn't mention if you are still running the OEM air filter and backing plate. If you are, you have some work to do.
If you have not upgraded to the SE Stage I A/C, you will need one of the SE kits depending on the T/B size; IIRC, the Dynas are equipped with a 50mm T/B but not sure. There are two kits, PN 29515-08 for the 58mm T/B and PN 29260-08 for the 50mm T/B. You will need to drill and tap the backing plate for barbed fittings for hoses to route the crank case ventilation away from the T/B to an external exit. You will also need to block off the internal breather passages in the backing plate.
As others have pointed out, there are a variety of ways to route the hoses to an external exit but most use a "T" fitting to connect the two breather hosed behind the air cleaner housing and route a single hose to a catch can or an external exit.
On one bike, I made a catch can from PVC pipe and filled it with the same mesh that is used in the cylinder head breathers. The crank case mist is vented to this can and the "wet" stuff collects on the mesh allowing the crankcase pressure to vent out of the can to a single hose that is routed between the cylinders and out to the same location as the transmission vent. A small in line fuel filter for lawn mowers is plugged into the end of the vent hose at the exit. I have never seen a drip from that system and have never drained any fluid from the catch can.
On another bike I simply routed the vent hoses to a Doherty in line filter also filled with the same mesh with no exiting hose. If ring seal on a motor is not good, there can be some fumes exiting from the filter and, in some cases, there will be some dripping. I have never had that problem but, like I said, that will depend on the condition of the motor and ring seal.