Those error codes you have could have easily been generated during the period of time battery voltage was low or during charging & starting of bike with a low battery etc. I therefore would not put too much importance on them.
An example of what I mean would be your B1008 code. You can't have that code and at the same time be able to use said button to read any codes. The code MAY be real but it may be erroneous.
What I would do is Record all the codes. Once recorded, clear them and see what re-appears. If you really have any issues, the codes will soon re-appear. Work from that point forward.
Your battery drain problem. Most Hi quality hand held VOM's have the capability to read current to a few amps. On lab meters it is usually 2 full amps and on the automotive style meters it is usually 10 amps. Take the meter and place it in SERIES with either the positive OR negative lead of the battery. Do NOT (do not) turn the ignition key ON. If you do, you will blow the fuse in the meter. Leave the ignition key OFF and measure the parasitic current drain. It WILL be something greater than 25ma but should be less than ~100ma (1/10 amp). Measure it. That will tell you where you stand. If you measure something like 250ma (1/4amp) that is way too much and would kill a battery in nothing flat. At 250 milliamp load would kill a New fully charged battery in less than 75 hours.
It's none of my business but why is there a $180 diagnostic charge on a bike under a New 2 year warranty? I have never heard of that.