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07 Softail Ticking

Doesn't appear to be an exhaust leak. What about the possibilities of a loose compensator nut?

We just dealt with that problem on my buddies bike, the noise was much more than ticking noise, it made quite a rattle and sounded real nasty.
When we opened up the primary we could turn the nut by hand.
I don't want to bump the thread into how to tighten the comp nut (if that what it is) as the guys can no doubt link you to threads on that.
But just for info, the "mechanic" who put the comp nut on used an impact wrench and did not degrease the threads on the nut so:

the loctite failed
the impact wrench did not have the guts to get the required torque
the impact wrench busted a magnet behind the comp sprocket.

Good luck, hope you find the source.