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08 High Idle Problem

Glider...thanks for the info...the recal of the system by running the ing. switch on/off 4X did the trick on my new 08 Ultra...I see that there is a new download available ...but I am not sure I want a temp. fix and I hate sitting around at the dealership when I should be riding.
A friend of mine just bought a new road king. same problem. He was told to turn the ignition switch on and off 5 times.. That seems to work. Give it a try.
Yes, that works.

But I find it neccessary 2-3 times per week of almost daily riding. I don't consider this technique to be an adequate solution to the problem. And I'll tell the dealer the same thing when I take it in for the 1000 mile service next week.
Glider, I had a power commander installed when I purchased my bike and have not had this issue.Does the commander bypass the stock pcm possibly eliminating this problem?On 3 seperate occasions my local HD service manager commented that I wouldnt have this problem because of the power commander.
The PC piggybacks the ECM. It gets the data from the ECM and then reprocesses it to what ever parameters you have set with the map that is installed and tweaked in the PC III.

Don't know about what the service manager told you, this is a problem with the map in the ECM, nothing to do with the PC III.
This is my first post. I have a three week old 2008 street glide with high idle problems like every one else is posting combined .My dealer got the remap fix from harley today and so far im cured thank god. Ibelieve its called 06e .JIM
There is some new info out today.If you're having issues with it PM me and I'll try to help.I cannot publish it because they'd hang me.
Aug 4: Had my 2008 Street Glide a week now and had same idle problem. Thank you all so much for the great explanation - worked a charm and gave me a great sense of relief that my new joy wasn't faulty.

I traded my 2004 Fat Boy for the FLHX last weekend, and while I miss the bad boy look, I love the refined ride the FLHX gives. Fat Boy was a great bike, but had to use ear plugs and my foot was always looking for sixth gear. Unfortunately due to a nail in the rear tire and a leaky rocker gasket, I found myself at a dealer in Yakima last Saturday. With an hour to spare, and no wifely supervision, I was able to get a good deal on the FLHX and its really grown on me what a great bike it is this week.

Next up. My brothers in Hong Kong and his 2006 V-ROD is being trucked across country so going to have fun with this stable.

Thanks again.

I have the same issue with an 08 RK Standard. I learned the ETC reset and only had to do it once. Then, I put new grips on my bike and find that I have to reset it quite freaquently. The only thing I could think of was the grips were larger and I seem to be pushing forward when I apply the front break. Since then, I altered the way my hand goes on the grip when I squeeze the break. I guess I have small hands. Since I started doing that, it has been much better. Go figure. It is a kind of pain in the butt some times, but I would not trade my bike.