My transmission noise went away after $1200 and a Baker F6F kit. The transmission in my 09 Ultra now works the way it should have when it was made by Harley. Just because a gear is straight cut does not mean that it should drown out the radio when you shift into 5th gear. The variation in the six speed transmissions from Harley is enormous. Some whine, some rattle and in my case the thing just flat roared. If you are lucky, yours just whines a little but the fact that 5th gear doesn't fail is not all there is to a transmission. The fact that 20,000 people have noticed it and the fact that a company makes a fix tells you something about the Harley six speed. That having been said, if yours just whines then drive and enjoy. I am happy with mine because now I can hear the radio when I am in 5th gear.