As others have said Thanks for your service. To your problem If this is your first Harley then I think you may find that it will take a little time and you will get shifting into neutral very easy. If you have a friend that has a Harley you might have him or her try it out and that could eliminate if it is a clutch or tranny problem.
Welcome Home and ride safe
My little bro served as an FO for the 173rd back in the early 90's. Thank you for your service as well...I suspect there are a lot of Vets on this forum...which makes it an even better place to be!
I talked to my boss who rides a Honda GW and he said he occasionally has the same issue. His recommendation was to try to get it into N before the bike stops completely. That makes sense to me since I did notice it was easier to get it into N when I pushed the bike forward or backwards a couple inches. I guess it is kind of like when your car keys won't go into the ignition unless you turn the steering wheel...if the tranny is stopped completely (bike not moving), it creates the problem I described originally.
As I get more time on her, I'll post my findings here in case someone else has the same issue later on. Thanks ALL for the feedback.