ther are many factors in making sure the searial numbers are correct , here are a few the first 2 numbers( 63 build year) but the six should have a staight back and not look like this 6 but it is ok if one of the last 4 digits have a round back six like this 6 , the number one always has a foot on the bottom like this1 and also the number four should have a foot at the bottom and a open top not closed like this 4 if the embosed area where the serial number is stamped is smooth and does not conform with the pitting like of the rest of the case RED FLAG , there are belly numbers on each case under the motor a 1963 build date case should start with (163) and it is ok to see a round back six like this 6 on the belly number,Soo you see you really need to look at these numbers with your eyes and get yourself familar with real Hd stampings so you can tell real from fake another thing if they are repop cases ther will be no belly numbers on that particular case but if it was done by a HD dealer there will be stampings of a replacement part on the case but I wont get to long winded here , what you have to relize is how many of these bike got stolen over the years and where parted out and I have personal knowledge of people having there bike confiscated and or returned to ther original owners ther have been guys who dump thousands in to a bike and loose it all or end up having to recoop the original owner.also red flags on salvage titled bikes title must be clean . there is a lot of homework that should be done when buying a vintage bike.
Never said was going to buy this bike this week.