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1992 soft tail whining noise

But why would it get worse/louder on its own over time. (entry point #4)
That's the part I don't get.
Ok , it appears you guys are on the right track about the primary tension.... I took off the access panel and the chain was extremely tight. I backed it off and the whining almost went completely ever now i have to much slack and i am having trouble getting the block to come up high enough ,it is like i am fighting to get it to come back up........
You may have to loosen the locking nut a bit more if you are having problems with the height adjustment.

Glad you found the source of the noise.
Glider, you have been a great help and thanks to all the other post guys are a great asset to us new guys ,,,,it is greatly appreciated........
That's what we're here for. If we can keep the answers coming to help out the new posters, our mission is complete then.:s
I usually use a Long 9/16 socket and to a little lifting and wiggle to get it back up... IF I New you were going to Loosen it, I would should of mentioned DON"T allow the adjuster to DROP... Like mentioned IF Loose enough (NOT TOO LOOSE) the adjuster can be coached into a proper position using the long socket and A finger or two... Tight I know.......... Remember,,,,,, They (adjuster and matching holder) look Like a BIG Bastard Files..... Fitting into grooves onto each other,,, so careful the file fits together Flatly and it will work fine..... error on the loose side(wee-bit for fin) NOT the too tight side... IF too loose , It will rub-smack the Inner primary housing and you will be asking???
I hear a Noise:D

I have problems with the adjuster also i normally manage to wiggle it up to the right tension and then can not get the socket in as the hole is full of hand holding it in place
when it gets to the point that i am getting frustrated with it i take the dog for a walk and it always seems to behave after that
