I will try to explain this the best I can. I was riding the scoot (1993 Fatboy)doing about 65mph, was running fine, then the engine started stumbling as if I was out of fuel, but the tank was full. So I got off the highway, and the bike kept doing the same thing as if I was out of fuel or running on one cylinder, there was also a clunking sound (sounds like a bolt in a tin can)coming from the front cylinder of possibly the carb. I pulled both spark plugs the plugs looked fine. After the bike sat for a while it started fine and ran fine, after about a minute or two running it would act up again. Also when it acts up which is all the time the carb coughs, I noticed oil on the outside of the carb. Could this issue be carb related, or possible ignition coil/module? Any feedback would be appreciated.