I posted on "my rear cylinder went dead" post since the two posts where very similar & didn't post on this one, I probably should have. Any way, mine was a bad injector but since the bike is down I figured that I might as well do more work on it while it is down. Got my new cables (clutch & throttle) on, pulled the cam chest to inspect the tensioners (looked like new @ 30,000 miles), welded my exhaust (it had a crack) & installed a new cam sensor. Just don't like the way the clutch cable is routed around the frame & have tried it in several different ways. I can't decide if it goes on the inner part of the frame, just past the brace & then to the outside of frame & then the inside of the crash bar & then up to the inner fairing. Right now I have it on the inner part of the frame but it looks like it is too close to the engine. I think sometimes I look at something & say to my self I can remember that, & then bam, I forget. Should have taken pictures. Then I noticed a puddle of brake fluid under my front tire. Will it ever end? Now I need to pull the inner fairing cap off to change the fork oil (have not done it since I have owned it so it is due). Still have not found the problem with the radio (which if it doesn't work, I can still ride). Hope to have it together soon so I can ride.
Good news, it is not my caliper that is leaking. Bad news is it is the front fork. Did get the Ultra running, it was the intake gaskets (rubber rings). I did not roll one but they were thinner than the originals, so I don't think they were getting pushed up against the head good enough. Took it out & rode it a little then took it back & changed the oil in the engine & trans & washed it. Poor thing has not had a bath for several months. Next project is the front seals in the forks & change out the fluid. Gonna ride tomorrow to work.