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1st Ride Since December!

I made myself a promise that i would ride at least one day every month of the year. living in nw indiana 40 min east of chicago thats not always an easy thing to do, but just like u even if its just a 20 min ride for gas. so i say cheers to u and every other BIKER out there that doesnt need it to be 75 and sunny to find a reason to ride (even though we're all praying for it to come).
ride safe and stay warm
Fin, October? Man that must be a real pain - I had no idea your part of Scotland was that bad!
Apart from December & most of January it's been fine for riding here and this has been an exceptionally bad winter for us. Been out plenty since last week of Jan, bit cold at times but lately it's been 10 - 13 centigrade.

road was impassable for a wee while in november and a fair bit of december i had to leave car in town and walk the last mile home we got our xmas mail in time for the new year as temp is dropping below freezing most nights more grit and salt are being spread
there are grit lines in the centre of each lane on the road and the first time i saw dry roads was friday

Happy riding, remember the cagers are not used to Bikes on the road after winter, ride safe and look for escape routes just in case

Thanks Jack. It's always good to be reminded of these things. Especially after a long absence.

Built this guy and two days later we rode 108 miles.
I'm getting my first ride this Saturday (MAR 12). Getting my bike form dealer storage! It will only be a 25 mile ride to get home with it but can't wait! Supposed to be low 50's here in Massachusetts this weekend......but I may hav eto take the long way home.....and watching out for sand the whole way home!!!!!
Got out a couple of times last month, around the neighborhood.
Last week took her out for 35 out, and 35 back. And had lunch before
I came back. Planning on burning a tank or two tomorrow.
Can anyone tellme how to post a full pic. Thumbnail pics are too small.


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