Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard of the gear to gear setup like the old school setups eliminating the chain which would also eliminate the run out?
YES, Gear Drive cams and gears about 700 to 900$$$ plus Labor to install..
I don't think you uderstand Run-Out. (?)
Just going gear drive cams, will have nothing to do with Crank Run-Out...
to GO gear drives you need an almost Perfect crank and .003 max run-out on the crank shaft. I like .0015 max OR else the gears will be noisy and Problems with the Oil Pump Gears will happen again.Believe me it IS Not worth usiing a out of speck crank for EITHER application... You May use a little more run-out (bad) on a crank with chain drives but the Oil Pump (gearotors) is still a problem if too much is there.
The shop should of told you MORE about the damage to your motor. not just saying 3 to 6 000 $$
The Reman is the Best for what you get. Nothing wrong with this Newer
conversion to your TC motor and the hydraulic tensioner style chain drive UNLESS you want a Race Engine.
IF HD had the newer conversion they do today, back when I did my change, I would have gone with this new conversion system and it would Not have been as expencive as my conversion to gear drives back then in 01/02.