Congrats! Its really tough to have to be at work knowing that awesome machine is sitting there outside just begging to be ridden aint it?
I'll bet you snuck outside during working hours to just look at it several times too, didnt you?

I know I did!
All I want to do is ride mine, which is why I'm so bummed about this crappy storm on the East coast. It has cancelled my planned trip to the Outer Banks tomorrow
As stated before, I totally love this bike. I let a guy at an independent bike shop ride it yesterday. He came back and said "it doesnt even feel like a Harley anymore". If what he meant by that was this bike is actually enjoyable to ride, then I am glad it doesnt "feel like a Harley".
I was on a Deuce for 6 yrs and rode a Dyna a short while prior to that. I remember my ass being itchy after just 30 minutes in the saddle from the vibrations on the Dyna and was real happy with the Duce (till I saw a SG in 06).
I am 50 yrs old and have no need or desire to prove to anyone how "cool" or "tough" I am anymore by riding an (old) Harley.
I want to be comfortable when I ride not stressed. Thats one reason I ride....stress relief!
Yup, these 09 models will no doubt have their detractors, (as is always the case when HD improves a product) - (remember how many people poo-pood the belt drive when it was introduced?) but me thinks the overwhelming majority will give the Mo-Co a thumbs up for the 09 Touring bikes!
Lets RIDE!!!
Mark in Pa