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2010 Personal Performance Upgrades

I'm for it. :) I have been working out some on my own since last April. It is hard to stay motivated. I have some decent workouts & exercises now, would be willing to share.

Since I don't ride the mtb any more, I have started to shift in the wrong directions on weight, flab & cholesterol. :(

I will say, that the Wii Fit has some good exercises, & even the games will make you work out. I bought mine used from Craigslist, got a good deal on the game & some accessories, then bought the fit board. I love it! My legs may disagree, but I'm sure it is all for good.

I mix things up a lot. Some times I take a kick on the weight machine for a while, sometimes I focus on balance with the BOSU, and then I try to do work outs that focus on using minimal accessories. Things that I can do at work or while traveling that I can use my body resistance or bands that are easy to travel with for resistance.

I am also working with a trainer to learn what to focus on to achieve my goals. I like the trainer over the gym, since we have a lot of stuff at our house and I can set my goals, the trainer will show me good routines to obtain the goals, and we only have to meet periodically. Now it is about once a week, but I am working out at home too, so I don't have worry about going to the gym. However, there is 24 hour access to the facility if you don't have the stuff at home. I figure that I will have less money invested in the trainer than a yearly membership at a club.

I'm sure Smitty knows all the resistance exercises to do for those who don't want to spend the money on a home gym or fitness club. :s

Great idea Breeze!
I've been training with weights 5 days a week and trying to eat good since my late teens and now just turing 40I just turned 40 the end of October so that's a long time. I'm in good shape and a lot better shape then most of my friends that don't take care of them selves. The holidays always kill me with my wife backing, going to friends and familly houses and eatting like a pig but now that they are over I will be back to eatting healthier.
I've been doing 16 OZ. curls for 30 years and getting in shape(ROUND) and trying to stay fit but my pants don't FIT no more so I gotta run to get another beer:newsmile049::newsmile014::beach:drunk:cheers:rofl
You do not need a lot of fancy equipment or time to improve you over all condition.

Very true! Some of my hardest workouts use my body. Plenty of weight there. :s
A bit of quick advise. I have been going to the gym regularly for a year and a half and have lowered my resting heart rate by 23 beats, my blood pressure is excellent, and have lost 72 lbs to date. Now that I've tooted my own horn I must warn you that getting/being healty is a long and demanding process.

1. Do not go 110% the first day at the gym. You will hurt yourself and surely lose motivation.
2. At first you will lose weight pretty quickly (5,10,15, or even 20lbs). This is called water weight. After that it will slow down...ALOT. This is normal. Now you are actually burning fat. DO NOT get discouraged because it will take some time.
3. Diet and exersize go hand in hand. For quick(er) results you need to consider both.
4. Know your goals before your start. Be REALISTIC! Don't expect rock hard abs in a week or to win the MR. Universe contest EVER!
5.If you want to lose weight lower your calorie intake. If you want to build muscle eat lots of protein. Unfortunatly losing that gut and building massive muscles at the same time isn't easy.
6.Find a way to pass time. My biggest struggle when working out is getting bored on a treadmill or bored lifting weights. Bring an MP3 player, bring a book, bring a friend, bring a HD service manual, or just stare at the sweaty girls around you. It doesn't matter what it is just keep your mind active along with your body.

(PS.. for number 6..Don't get caught staring. It can lead to a very akward moment)
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A bit of exercise that helps me is an underinflated youth soccer ball that I put in the small of my back when I do "crunches" (1/2 situps) and other exercises to help arch my back and exercise those muscles. Too much design time at the computer and desk... :swoon Glad I at least get out and ride...a lot! :D
Got a wake up call about a year and a half ago.
After dropping from 220 down to 150 in 2 months and doing nothing different decided to go to the Dr for the first time in 20 years. Was Dx with type 2 diabetes. Took advantage of the weight loss and got a lot more active, quit smoking ( still times I could smoke a cig a foot long), and most of the time eat a lot better ( except when my sweet tooth gets the better of me :newsmile055: ).
A bit of exercise that helps me is an underinflated youth soccer ball that I put in the small of my back when I do "crunches" (1/2 situps) and other exercises to help arch my back and exercise those muscles. Too much design time at the computer and desk... :swoon Glad I at least get out and ride...a lot! :D
NHD, another thing that works well is a small nerf football. Not the really small ones that will fit in the palm of your hand, but the ones that are like a jr. size football. Compresses well and provides support. I also use them for lumbar supports in the car, they are much cheaper than a 'real' lumbar support.
Would many be interested in participating in a sticky thread that we can post our efforts to improve our health, and get encouragement from other members?

Hey Breeze... I'm interested... As of March 1, I started cutting down on carbs (beer, pasta...:() eating more fruit and veggies. Also started an exercise program (cardio) we bought a mini-stepper a while back so I decided to start using it. I've lost about 6 lbs so far and have a goal of about 10 more. How are you doing? How's everyone else doing?:)
Hey Breeze... I'm interested... As of March 1, I started cutting down on carbs (beer, pasta...:() eating more fruit and veggies. Also started an exercise program (cardio) we bought a mini-stepper a while back so I decided to start using it. I've lost about 6 lbs so far and have a goal of about 10 more. How are you doing? How's everyone else doing?:)

Uhmmm,, as the originator of this thread, I'm more than slightly ashamed to report that I have only taken a few walks. I have improved my diet a bit. I have no real good reason either. I have had multiple tests done and the Dr. says all is good. I just need to get up and do it!!! :newsmile08:
Lets hear some more Positive results from others.:)