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2014 ultra limited cooling fans problem

Hey. I was trolling and saw this post. I had the same problem. Found out a mouse had made a home and chewed up a cable giving me the coolant fan issue. The (EDIT) had a pancake shoved in ther.

Edited for language.
2016-09-01 19.45.24.jpg
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Seems like not enough riding if you got a mouse having a party on your bike and snacking on the wires.
This concerns the FP3 Fuel map that Vance & Hines provided. They claim there was no fault on their part since nothing was changed except for the fuel, and their technician advised me to upload the stock map—at which point the fans and pump operate manually without issue. However, I require a custom map to accommodate my modifications; I cannot run on the stock map.

I have sent this information to Vance & Hines, and I must stress the potential severity: if my cylinder walls are indeed glazed due to the overheating issues experienced during my Grand Canyon ride (and the subsequent tow home), it could lead to major engine problems. I hope that sharing this experience will help others avoid similar issues.