Sunday 6/21
Had to post at McDonalds again this morning. Second time a motel has told me they have WiFi, but it doesn't work.
Left Bicknell, UT about 0730, continuing west. Once I got out of the mountains, the temperature rose to about 60 degrees, and hovered around that most of the day.
The landscape is different this morning, no heavy forests, no large rock formations, mostly open range land. Stopped in Loa, UT, to replenish my insufficient funds, and refill the tank before I have to walk.
I am heading back into the mountains, I guess that goes without saying in this part of the country.
Back into flat land for a while. I guess even people in UT have to eat.
Getting onto the main road I will be following for today and part of tomorrow.
Heading across western UT on US 50
From Hinckley, UT to the NV border, this is truly a lonely road.
Crossed the NV border around noon time.
From here, I headed for the Great Basin National Park. Along the way, I ran into this sign.
I then entered the park, and took the road to Wheeler Peak, This is a great road, but the upper half does have some loose gravel on it. Enjoy, but do not hotrod.
After I left the park, I headed to Ely, NV. This is where the ‘Loneliest Road’ officially begins.
Running across NV on US 50, is a series of mountain passes/summits followed by a large valley of sage brush and gentle rolling hills. Repeat this sequence about 30 times, and you will get to Fallon, NV. As I approached Eureka, NV, the thunderstorm was in progress. The road hooks north here and was headed directly into the storm. Out came the rain suit, and into the teeth of the storm I headed. About 40 miles later, I cleared the storm and had sunny skies again. Pulling off the road to get out of the rain suit, I hit a patch of deep gravel. No questions asked, no quarter given, I was down. Nothing hurt but my pride. A friendly rancher came along and helped me lift the bike up. I know all about the ‘stick your rear end in the seat and walk it up with your legs’ process, but this old body just can’t do it anymore. I should have gotten a picture of the bike while it was down, but was too flustered/mad to think straight. Anyway, this is the storm I was running from.
Once I got back on the road, I couldn’t find anyplace to spend the night, and wound up riding all the way to Fallon, NV. I have got to stop earlier in the day and quit putting in so many hours. I am currently 3 ½ days ahead of schedule. Should be plenty of time to make that extra run to the coast in Northern CA.