Saturday 7/11
I did not post anything for Saturday, 7/11. The day was spent riding around my old hometown, talking to old classmates, and going to a dinner that evening. Met the high school sweetheart, realized she was great, but my wife is still my soul mate. Very interesting and fun for me, boring as all get out for the rest of you.
Things I did learn, were that nothing stays the same, your true friends will always welcome you back, and hometowns are a lot smaller than you remember.
Sunday 7/12
I woke up about 0430 to the sound of thunder, the flash of lightning, and the pounding of heavy rain. Just what I needed to finish off my trip, or in today’s case, my voyage.
I loaded the bike in a light rain, donned my rain suit and headed south to Kansas, the last state on my ABC’s list. :Banane44:
I continued south on KS 14 to US 36. Heading west across the top of KS, I was reminded again of the stereotypes we frequently have. KS is not a flat Wheatfield as many believe. The north east section at least is rolling hills with crops in the flat spots, and pastureland pretty much covering the rest. Peppered with small farming communities, it has a beauty of it’s own.
I chased the storm that went through Superior in the early morning hours, all day long. Sometimes catching up and getting soaked, sometimes moving from one cell to another and actually seeing the sun for a few minutes. But, in all cases, the roads were sloppy wet. This is a picture looking east as I was again catching up to the storm.
I made it to Kansas City, MO about noontime. Captured a picture of the HD Assembly Plant for my ABC's, then headed for I-70.
There are not many pictures for this last day. I was tired, wanted to get home to the wife and dogs, and wanted to sleep in my own bed. I made a hard run after KC, crossing MO on I-70, catching I-64, I-57 and finally I-24 as I crossed southern IL. I stopped for gas north of Paducah, KY, and talked to a guy returning from the Big Easy. I then decided to make a run for the last couple of hours despite nightfall. Onto I-24 and a beeline across KY and into TN just after 2200. As I was getting my bag off the bike, the rain started again. A perfect ending to a wet day. :newsmile07:
Home after 27 days. The total trip was 8,366.5 miles, with a run of 763 wet, sloppy miles for the final day.
Tired, but one happy guy. This has been a great trip. I have seen parts of the US that had eluded me for the first 62 years, met people with a love of life, battled the elements occasionally, marveled at the beauty of this country. It does not matter where you go, there is something to see, something to do, and new friends to make. Get out there, do it while you can.
Thanks to all who have followed my trip, and best wishes to you on yours. I may continue this for the final leg, sometime in September. Keep the rubber side down. :cheers