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9 degrees this morning

I definitely can't wait for spring. It's my favorite season. I don't care much for the cold, and I don't like it too hot. North Carolina isn't too bad but august here is horrid. I just wish the global year round temp would be about 70-75 degrees. That would be awesome.
We were 78* yesterday and it was beautiful. I was working outside and kept thinking I should be riding instead of working. It's freezing now, and we're supposed to start getting freezing rain and maybe snow later this afternoon all thru the weekend. Low tomorrow night is 19*. If you don't like Texas weather, wait 10 minutes, it'll change. :(
We were 78* yesterday and it was beautiful. I was working outside and kept thinking I should be riding instead of working. It's freezing now, and we're supposed to start getting freezing rain and maybe snow later this afternoon all thru the weekend. Low tomorrow night is 19*. If you don't like Texas weather, wait 10 minutes, it'll change. :(

lol they say the same thing in missouri and north carolina, haha. its true too! crazy weather states.
As I get older I am becoming a S&S rider... Sunny and seventy....
A nice 63 out currently, heading to about 73. (NC)

Yeah whats with our weather lately, dude? it was 80 degrees friday and sunny! Then Saturday and Sunday it was in the mid-30's and raining! C'MON NC!!!! North Carolina needs a dose of ritalin! ADHD weather and stuff....