I like tapping with a small wrench to hear the sound Or TUNE the spokes play... This will usually tell if too tight or loose. I like the tones to be = to each other and not too flat nor too high a pitch...
"Thawng" not "donk"(loose) and a little like "Tink" but even in pitch all the way around..
I check a Bran-new HD bike in Texas at the ROT rally. A fellow rider bot new bike for his wife to ride out there as it came off the show room floor...
The gal complained of the vibration and just a BAD ride above 60/65 and was afraid to ride it any where near the 80 mph allowed on the freeways..
A mutual friend mention ME to them and said I knew my "stuff"... Boy, No Pressure put on me at all... WITH THEIR CONSENT and witnessed by many.. I said okay... I'll check you adjust.
I simply got out a small wrench and tapped the spokes 11 in a row on the rear wheel and on one side were flat,dull, and just no tone at all... The front was even worse..( we had no way to raise the bike so tuned this way was a try and see)
I explained the problem and the OWNER took my advice and tightened them according to the tone procedure and took the bike out for a spin.
Came back with a smile and said it was a different bike.... No vibration and smooth!
I also explained that this was a temporary fix and should be tuned-trued by the HD shop when he got it back in for the first service..
just my way.