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A New Addition To My Family!

Thanks all! He has so far proven himself to be an awesome dog. :) I can't forget to give our 12 year old lab kudos. Rocky has been phenomenal as well. Good introduction. Today, Ozzie went up and just started chowing down on Rocky's food, (Rocky had yet to get to the food bowl) and he just stood there watching with a look on his face that 'I'll just eat what's left.' Which is quite funny because when Molly was alive, Rocky never missed an opportunity to eat her food! I had also given Rocky a good size bone to chew, and Ozzie found that bone and has taken ownership of it, (and at this rate due to his size and baby teeth) it may take him 6 months to destroy it...whereas Rocky will be done with it in 2-3 days. :D But Rocky has been great and did not make any aggressive actions to retrieve that bone. I certainly hope that Rocky 'mentors' Ozzie to get him on the right track to becoming a good old dog as well. And hopefully a good young dog. :)
Leave it and enough are the words we use instead of no. Along with a small box of toys that were used to train my boys what they can play with and chew on.
Yeah, Ozzie has his box of toys, but he likes to see what else he can try to get. LOL, so it's a simple no with a trade for his toys. Enough is when we are done playing though. ;) I might change the no to 'stop' - double meaning if he is trying to jump on someone. ;) & if he is going after my house slipper...:O
Let a dog see a muddl puddle it will be in there head first
Run a bath and it is under the kitchen table hiding

Well, in my case yes on the first statement, but this morning...(I'm leaving him close by and the bathroom door open a wee bit so I can hear him), but this morning...this goof had his front paws and head in the shower before I even heard him. :O He is incredibly quiet!!! Even with his name tag & dog license. LOL, then this evening, (since I am keeping him in the house overnights until the weather warms a bit), I am running him a bath and again, the goof jumped right in the tub and starts playing. So I let him play and threw some shampoo & conditioner on him. LOL, but again, after being outside while I was at work, Ozzie managed to cover himself in mud. Once the weather warms overnight, he will start sleeping outside with Rocky, but until then...and as long as we have a mushy back yard, he will get baths as needed. Tonight was awesome however, he didn't soak me or get as much water out of the tub as I had in it. (I think that is a first. :) I'm okay with him thinking bath time is play time. (not thorough baths, just quick rinses to get the heavy mud off him to keep it out of the house.) He already stops at the back door and grabs the towel for his paws. And, I am ready to put bells on his paws. :p
Bells can work however they seem to be able to control them and still sneak around
I sometimes wonder if my younger dog can teleport as she seems to be somewhere else in an instant wheras the old dog can take forever to go anywhere
Old dog always looks clean as he is black young one has white legs and the dirt can be seen and we are surronded by mud as nothing has been planted yet so winter has been a wee bit longer this year and soil still to cold to germinate seeds so a late harvest coming

I like teleporting...I think that is what he does. LOL, one minute he is a 100' away sniffing something, the next he is in front of me sitting and patiently waiting. :) It has been a LONG time since we had a Weimeraner was I think 4 when I got her, she lived another 8 years with me, then the Australian Shepherd was the closest thing to a puppy, she was 6 months when I got her, she was another 12 years, and the lab we have now was 2 when we got him. So yeah, the pup has been new & fun. He is training very well, which makes it much better. ;) And, our black lab will somehow get himself covered in mud and look brown at times, will have big clods of mud on his nose and, but he is self cleaning. For now the poodle has a full coat, but once mother nature settles a bit and the days & nights warm up, he will get cut to a short doo.
My old dog came from a border collie breeding farm all his sisters were sold part trained for sheep hearding the place does displays to the public a few times a day and the females bring big money as they make usually better sheep dogs as wife had been there many times with a bus load we got the dog at a greatley reduced price he was about 10 weeks when we got him
Young dog is the daughter of the old dog so we have known her since birth and she has been with us since 8 weeks old a brother and sister from the same litter are with my oldest daughter and a brother is with the owner of the mother and we see them from time to time obviously the nightmare one we got is the best of the litter

Brian is an update: We have had Ozzie for a month now.. At 2.5 weeks, hubby had decided that maybe Ozzie might need a playmate closer to his, I may have sent a message to our friends in WV and informed them that Steve would be in WV the next weekend, so it might be a good time to travel with a puppy. :D But, I didn't know if anything would really transpire. BUT...Ralph came through for me and convinced Steve to come home with Ozzie's sister! The happy reunion so to speak was not initially what I expected, since the pups had been apart for 3 weeks. But that lasted only a few hours before they went to their old ways. :) Now they are back to being best buds.

One thing that was really cool was that we did not know that Steve was bringing her down. Ozzie was at the back door freaking out, i was so happy thinking that he was finally telling me he needed to go out. But he was totally spazzing. LOL, by the time I got my shoes and unfortunately my coat...because I am convinced that summer will never make it to Ohio...let along spring, Oz was scratching at the door. About the time I opened the door & went out, I noticed Steve had something pink in his hand and then I knew. :) We had not talked on the phone or anything about him getting puppy 2. There is an author named Rupert Sheldrake, (friends with our friend who is responsible for our Scotland adventures) - who has written several books, but one is titled "Pets Who Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home" . How did Ozzie know that she was out there? Steve did not get out of the truck for several minutes after he got home since baby was sleeping soundly. :)

When we had Molly- our Australian Shepherd, and I was driving the company truck, Steve and I had this very conversation years before we had ever heard of Rupert Sheldrake. If I came home from the route to the East, Molly would be in the NE corner of our yard, whether I was at my normal time or later. If I came home from the westerly route, Molly would be sitting in the NW corner of the yard. No call or text to Steve to let him know when and from what direction I was coming from. How did she know? I would love to meet Rupert, however he has always visited either the week before we arrived or the week after we would arrive. :( It just never worked out...yet, but I would love to talk with him at length about his work and studies and the connections pets have with their owners. :) But, I will post a couple of puppy pictures here...I have a few! :) And, sadly, Steve has not picked a name yet...I'm liking Maggie or Lucy for her...time will tell. I've been calling her #2 for a bit. :)


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So now you have a double bundle of trouble at least you have an older dog that will try and mediate when it can
Although it has warmed a wee bit here fields are now planted mid april is very late for planting
Had to go to Glasgow Saturday to pick up a bus that had just been bought as they were short of drivers i got dragged in to deliver the grumpy driver to the bus we left at 0500 hrs and the sun was coming up at about 0535 we were on a wee bit of snow and the temp was below 0
Yes it will soon be summer
