In a nutshell what Hoop did was verify the construction of the electronics is old reliable tech from the 70's. He found basic passive components like resistors, capacitors and coils individually packaged..."discrete" and individual in their functions. The only new tech "solid state" devices were diodes, transistors (dual diodes) and "gated diodes" SCR silicon controlled rectifiers, plain vanilla stuff.
The net result
NO "Integrated Circuits" IC packages that pull a lot of functions into a single "chip" which makes for more unreliable package (brings things closer together so they can short out or overheat). It also makes the unit easy to repair if warranty return service is required on the regulator, as this design lends itself well.
The net result
NO "Integrated Circuits" IC packages that pull a lot of functions into a single "chip" which makes for more unreliable package (brings things closer together so they can short out or overheat). It also makes the unit easy to repair if warranty return service is required on the regulator, as this design lends itself well.