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add oil to filter?

I add a little oil + i have a button on selinoid end i can turn engine over w/out ign on. let engine spin a couple of times then fire up. If your starter relay or button malfuntion u can still start bike this way also..
With Brian all the way. It makes a lot of sense. Why have air circulating instead of oil even for a little while?

Myself included.I run a couple of bikes and 3 cars,and while the H-D manual dosen't specify this procedure,i too have always employed it.On all my vehicles.

I haven't found ANY oil spillage when spinning the filter on.It gets soaked up pretty well.Just do it.
:DHD Service Manual for my 2004 Sportster says:

Note: Partially fill oil filter before installation to minimize the time required for buildup of oil pressure when engine is first started.

1. Pour about 4 fluid ounces (U.S.) (120 ml) of fresh clean engine oil into new oil filter. Allow time to soak into filter element.

2. Wipe filter gasket contact surface of oil filter mount with a clean cloth.

3. Coat oil filter gasket with clean Harley Davidson 20W-50 engine oil.

Important Note: Do NOT use oil filter wrench to install new oil filter.

4. Install new oil filter. Turn filter clockwise to install. Hand tighten filter 1/2 to 3/4 turn after gasket contacts filter mount surface.

This is the same procedure I used with all my vehicles, 2 wheel or 4 wheel...never any engine problems due to oiling problems...EVER! :s