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aim vari-pressure clutch

I have a VPC 340 that I'm waiting to install. HD needs to fix my clutch basket (3 chipped starter ring gear teeth) before I put her in. Can't wait to try it out.

I've heard great things about this product.
I had one on my 95" 2005 Heritage Classic. Loved it.

I just have the HD reduced effort clutch on my 96" 2004 Ultra. Love it too and I do not miss the VPC.
I have been running my VPC 340 for about a month now and I love it. Slightly harder clutch pull but it really grabs nicely w/ zero slip.
It's a great clutch for bigger engines. The lever pull is very light however gets a bit heavy at high RPM's and some derby covers will not fit with this clutch, but they do have a spacer available.

Is there any detailed info on this part, tried finding something on Google before posting, but "only" got HDTimeline...
Is there any detailed info on this part, tried finding something on Google before posting, but "only" got HDTimeline...

Check American Iron Magazine archives, or Donnie @ Heavy duty Cycles I think he did a write up on it
After 6000mi on the 95"@108HP and now another
5003mi with a 120" @133HP the VPC 92T/Barnett spring,
stock clutch pack; zero slip, no issues... except the three rear tires.:D