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Air Shocks

So what happens when your a Solo rider over 250# ??? Harley think everyone is slim and trim that rides a Hog?
Or you get a trike:lero

Did the 30-60-30 thing on the new SG yesterday, and then a few more miles. Have 50 miles on it at this post. Real nice bike. Left saddle/hard bag seems to vibrate more than it should though,mount is tight.

Gave the wife a ride, and noticed that we were somewhat bottoming out, or so it felt. (We're not that heavy)

I asked a friend and he said that the airshocks have to be adjusted when wife is riding with me, or that perhaps the shocks needed air in them. I know now that I have to buy the air pump.

Does anyone have the numbers of riding alone and riding 2 up, and do these have to be adjusted all the time or?

Same thing happened to me, when I checked 'em had 0 pressure. Lets see how much did I pay for Dealer prep? :small3d031: