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"Alltime" Greatest Place To Ride.

Anywhere in the Colorado Rockies but The "Million Dollar Highway" between Durango and Ouray tops my list so far. Although I've yet to find the "best" ride. Willing to keep searching as long as it takes.
Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline drive-460 miles -2 1/2 days-wonderful time I'd like to go back. We did it the second week of June and the weather was perfect.
Guess it would have to be my trips to Sturgis, not Sturgis itself but having the time to ride with my brother Jack.
Arizona Highway 191, AKA Highway 666 the devil's highway. 80 miles of nothing but twist and turns, riding from Clifton to Alpine, AZ will take you about 3 hours.
I will have the Red Carpet out for your arrival. :D

:s Thanks Tank, I hope The redhead can make it to Salt Springs on Saturday so We can BOTH meet ya all:s I wil be there for sure, I booked Redfish Joe and me in #22 Friday thru Sunday morning, If the Redhead does not have a Jacksonville course that week end she will drive down on Saturday, I don't want to see NO scissors:taunt
Anywhere that has no traffic, not on a freeway, bendy well maintained roads, but most importantly with somebody. I really liked the Black Hills, but riding the Oregon & California coast are just as good...guess I can't really pick one spot
tell me about arkansas.... I live in Northwest Louisiana, Arkansas is just 45 minutes up the road. Im planning some trips for me and the wife when she gets done being pregnant.