Problem is folks, that almost every US-made only product line or plant has gone out of business in the last decade for one simple reason: We, the fickle consumer want a "deal". The reason Walmart's lots are absolutely packed full day in night, is that we can by stuff there cheaper....that's it.
Give you an example. If the US auto industry is carrying $1,500 of extra cost per car as employee benefits, then we all should be willing to pay $1,500 more to keep our brothers and sisters employed. (or have our taxes increased to take the burden off the companies) However, 90% of all workers work for small companies, with minimal benefits and lower pay. They are the BULK of our population and they NEED to buy stuff at low cost. Sooooo, to compensate, US companies provide them with lower cost stuff, from wherever it is made.
Remember textiles? Started being manufactured in England, then came to New England with our forefathers. Moved to South Carolina in 50's and 60's and on to Mexico in 70's, next to Japan, then China and now Viet Nam.
Why? We want lower cost stuff
So because the vast majority of the US population turns away from American Made due to price, (and in auto world of the 80's quality), those that produce the stuff in USA suffer
The world has become so interdependant and "small", this situtation is not likely to change. Next time we go to three different stores looking for a better price, remember how we got there.