The biggest things I see ruining everything from individual's lives to entire corporations are:
1) We want everything to be super-duper cheap so we can HAVE IT ALL, BABY HAVE IT ALL! What ever happened to being frugal? Whatever happened to living simply? I drive a car with some dents and stuff BUT IT'S PAID FOR!! My goal is to get 300,000 miles on it before I buy a newer (but used) car. And what happened to buying used? My 2009 XL 1200 is the FIRST bike I've ever purchased new on credit. I should have waited...I've seen several identical used ones for sale of late at deep discounts.
2) No one saves or reduces debt anymore. What happened to saving up to reduce credit debt? My 1980 CB 650 Honda I paid cash for, $2,100.00 for everything including two helmets and sissy bar. I bought it in the fall of 1981 as it had been on the showroom floor for almost two years so the dealer gave me 10% discount.
It seems everyone in America from the average Joe to our government is wicked colossal in huge amounts of debt! I see "phony wealth" all around me; Joes that make no more money than I do - work in the same office I do have houses three times larger than mine, and drive brand spanking new cars that I know cost $50,000.00 plus! NO ONE it seems plans for retirement anymore...I mean why bother the Gov't will just bail us all out and take care us when we're old, right? Spend, spend, spend until we can't make the interest on our payments and have to trap squirrels in the front yard to stave off starvation...but hey lookit my new Corvette/Mercedes/Hummer!! If I lose my job (my office just announced layoffs by the way) I'll just scream for the Gov't to bail me out! And big US corporations are run with the same mentality...for six years the economy BOOMED and NOT ONE of these giant companies SAVED or GOT OUT OF DEBT???????? NO! They went DEEPER AND DEEPER into debt to "get all they can and can all they get." And NOW they're begging for bailouts...which means you and I the working Joe taxpayer will get the our Gov't says the solution is to SPEND SPEND SPEND SPEND SPEND SPEND
"Keeping moving nothing to see here. Authorities have subdued the blogger and proper medications are being administered. You will get the tax bill in the mail."
PS Just read on the web Bill Gates was in Washington to persuade Pres. Elect Obama that we need EVEN MORE deficit spending to "save the economy..."
So how come Gateway isn't in debt if deficit spending works so well???
Totally sorry about getting the axe...bummer, dude. I'm wit ya...announcement of big layoff just came where I work and I'm totally at the bottom of the seniority list...very good chance I'll be among first to go. It'll be rough but I'm a bit ahead financially as I've tried to avoid debt like the plague my whole life.