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Another Ethanol surpise

Perhaps you guys dont relize that the government pays people not to grow on their farmland in order to not have an abundance of foods which in turn would lower prices and put farmers in the poorhouse. they are realy just tring to help farmers out

Yea I'm aware of that too, but my subject is I don't see how ethanol makes the cost of fuel any lower. We need to come up with another plan. If the farmers can't survive without help that's another story.

If any of you guys want to replace your 2 cycle yard equipment fuel lines with alcohol resistant lines (or just put new lines in) it's a tight fit going thru the housing into the tank. You just about have to cut a long point on the tubing with sissors and shove the point thru. Then put a few drops of light oil on the housing around the tubing and press it in until you can't get any more in the hole.

The reach in thru the gas cap hole with a long pair of surgical locking pliers they sell them at Harbor Freight, (also what us old guys used to call 'roach clips' back in our younger years, when we used such LOL). With these you can lock onto the protruding end of the plastic fuel line and pull downward.

When the locking pliers bottom out on the tank, get a clean piece of narrow flat wood and stick it in and push against the fuel line to leverage it straight down coming into the tank while still pulling the line out the gas cap hole. Add a drop of oil on the line every now and again as you pull it all thru.

ChainSawCarb.wmv - YouTube
Yea I'm aware of that too, but my subject is I don't see how ethanol makes the cost of fuel any lower. We need to come up with another plan. If the farmers can't survive without help that's another story.

We have an abundance of land. Why not use it to grow fuel. It gives farmers another cash crop. Its cleaner. It will get cheaper and Im not saying they dont have work to do to get it right. The thing is you need to have the big oil companies to get behind these alternative fuels to make it cheaper faster they have the resources.
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We have an abundance of land. Why not use it to grow fuel. It gives farmers another cash crop. Its cleaner. It will get cheaper and Im not saying they dont have work to do to get it right. The thing is you need to have the big oil companies to get behind these alternative fuels to make it cheaper faster they have the resources.

Well if it made the fuel cheaper I would say yes. But from what I read it actually cost us more. I personally think we should be drilling in areas right here in our own continental US that is tested to have more oil than Saudi Arabia but the environmentalists won't let us drill for it.

We have many thousands of folks out of work now. We need a plan that does something other than compete with the food growth option.
there is some merit to the environmentalists concerns. I believe the the enviroment will get polluted faster then we run out of oil but both will happen in time. Now i like gasoline engines as much as the next guy and cant imagine going down the road on a quiet electric bike but what is the alternative. I think alcohol added to gas is a way of getting the oil companies involved with alternative fuels u see. otherwise we pay for the research and development without their resources and capital
there is some merit to the environmentalists concerns. I believe the the enviroment will get polluted faster then we run out of oil but both will happen in time. Now i like gasoline engines as much as the next guy and cant imagine going down the road on a quiet electric bike but what is the alternative. I think alcohol added to gas is a way of getting the oil companies involved with alternative fuels u see. otherwise we pay for the research and development without their resources and capital

I will agree with that ONLY in as much as large congested citys have a smog problem with fossil fuel vehicles. This does cause folks breathing problems.

But Global warming hype no, facts prove that volcanos, earthquakes and natural fires disperse as more carbons than all the autos on earth and this has been going on from the beginning of time.

BUT as far as environmentalist claiming that drilling for oil is going to harm the breeding grounds of carribou, no I don't go along with that. Least not when I'm concerned about the breeding grounds of humans now. I could tell you more horror stories about environmentalist in the construction industry that is down right without logic and only is about agenda. But I doubt seriously I could do that without (1) becoming off topic of the original thread and (2) the Moderators would probably close down this thread as too political.
like it or not. gas is on its way out. alternatives are taking its place. Im just saying that they are only adding it to gas to get the funding for its development from the oil companies. otherwisethey have no incentive to help their own demise
Well some of you more knowlegable ones probably already knew this. I'll just tell ya what happened and what I learned today, beings I was ignorant prior.

Today I went to remove the broken fuel line from my chain saw (it's just a plastic line inside the tank) and it disintegrated into pieces. Biggest mess I ever saw. I had to pour gas into the tank, swish it around, and turn the saw sideways to flush the gas and the plastic bits out of the tank. Then let it dry and blow it out with the compressor. I had plastic bits up inside the pump bulb line so bad the pump bulb would not return from a push.

So went to my local Lawnmower repair shop and told them I needed a Walbro carb rebuild kit and some new fuel line. I asked them did they sell any fuel line that would not rot in the tank. They say no but they could sell me premixed 'ethanol-free' gas that would not deteriorate the plastic lines.

I said huh ? Yep our good old ethanol that we are forced to buy at most pumps, deteriorates plastic fuel lines over time. The more I hear about ethanol I just don't get it. It's like global warming, a scientific theory gone wild.

Here are some interesting facts I got off the net today.

1.Creating plant-based biofuels requires too much farmland to be practical or sustainable—land that would be better used to grow food. Plus it runs the cost of food up comparatively.

2.Producing ethanol and other biofuels takes more energy than the fuel can generate.

In a 2005 study, Cornell University researcher David Pimental factored in the energy needed to grow crops and convert them to biofuels and concluded that producing ethanol from corn required 29 percent more energy than ethanol is capable of generating. Pimental found similar problems with making biodiesel from soybeans.

“There is just no energy benefit to using plant biomass for liquid fuel,” Pimentel says.

Now here's the part your gonna love. How much you reckon all of this seemingly futile effort to keep us from drilling where environmentalist won't let us is costing us. You ain't JUST paying for it at the pump. Nope our good old tax dollars are paying for it before we ever even get to the pump.

Corn ethanol subsidies totaled $7.0 billion in 2006 for 4.9 billion gallons of ethanol. Even with high gas prices in 2006, producing a gallon of ethanol cost 38¢ more than making gasoline with the same energy.

Where did those subsidies come from:
1. 51¢ per gallon federal blenders credit for $2.5 billion = your tax dollars.
2. $0.9 billion in corn subsidies for ethanol corn = your tax dollars.
3. $3.6 billion extra paid at the pump.

Life on planet earth, it almost seems like the whole planet is flying with blinders on. Unfortunately I fear the powers that be, see all to clearly and feed us the mushroom medium.

Thanks for the posting. Yep, same thing happened to my weed eater a couple weeks ago and it didn't even occur to me that ethanol added fuel would do that.

Thank for all the postings on this thread, good info.
like it or not. gas is on its way out. alternatives are taking its place. Im just saying that they are only adding it to gas to get the funding for its development from the oil companies. otherwisethey have no incentive to help their own demise

Ha, I would love to LIKE it, but it ain't on it's way out. If I'm proved wrong I buy you a 12 pack while you make me eat crow. There is enough oil to last another easy 100 yrs. The Arabs have it priced to get the max out of it and not spur on too much alternative fuel development. As it stands oil IS the cheapest fuel. It could be cheaper if we would drill here, but truthfully I don't know how much cheaper. The oil companies are not much less cut throat than the Arabs. But much of it is on Government land so it might help the debt and make our dollar worth more.

I'm against ANY tax funding to oil companines OR any entity period. Believe you me when oil starts to run out they will develop a new fuel with the billions they already have. Until then we are being dupped for any money the average tax payer puts on it.

Don't mean to offend, but that's my research on it. Besides it's all merely conversation in any case. Big money wheels will be turning the same way long after this conversation is over. But I for one ain't buying all the mushroom medium they feed us. In the meantime I'm replacing my gas lines more often and where possible putting in alcohol resistant lines from aircraft suppliers.