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another oil?? SORRY I KNOW

I know that Synth is better... but which one? I have heard that the HD synth is the best, then some say not to use it at all, my shops runs Amsoil, which is in my bike now. I have even heard that HD won't honor the warranty if you use Amsoil...

Nope, as long as it meets or excedes the oil spec they can not use that against you
Thanks for all replys and geezer thanks and thats the main reason I brought this up to help me make up my mind cause I thought that would be nice to use same oil in both bikes to keep it simple Thanks again and will keep reading.
Whatever you use, just change it regularly.

lotts of high quality syn oils out there that are made just for air-cooled v-twin engines.pick ur self one out! and go with Mobil 1 v-twin 20w-50 is about the easiest to find (auto-zone stocks it) that's what i use just because its great oil and easy too find if, i was to switch 2 another syn oil it would most likely be Spectro i use there gear oil in my tranny and with good results i might add. AMS is good oil i just don't like the way they advertise
I was in the same boat as you a few months ago...only I don't have two Softails (you so Lucky!!) I am also the kind of guy that will research an item to death before I make a decision. I looked up the Scientific data on the major synthetics after determining that syn was the way to go. Mobil1 has a very good rating if you compare the data, I am not oil techie but Mobil1 had the higher numbers in the areas that count...sulfur and ash, burn and pour rates and breakdown...I don't understand it but my buddy is a bulk plant manager (not a mobile1 carrier) and even he told me that Mobil1 was better than thier best comparable brand and a few dollars cheaper by the quart. I used Spectro for primary and as soon as I modify a 3/8" allen to fit and clear the exhaust I will use Spectro for my tranny. again, this is after hours of reading these posts and using google and other resources to decide. Right now I am trying to decide which home theater system to get for our new led far Onkyo is leading, but need to look up Bose just to see if they are worth the big $$ difference. Never send me to the store to buy breakfast cereal, it is a long process for
Another vote for M1 20W/50 V-Twin Synth...always well stocked at auto part stores & usually on sale at one too...time to stock up.