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Another Rocket Scientist

He's a JUNIOR ATOMIC rocket scientist....

Just an other "Rebel Without a Clue". I wonder if he said "Hey, watch this!" before he started the burn-out?
As far as I'm concerned, THAT is the biggest problem with how these "rocket scientists" handle themselves....the danger that innocent people face just by being in their proximity, and the harm these idiots can and DO cause to others when they do these stupid stunts without regard to who is near them.

I don't recall Darwin granting immunity to spectators! :29:
point taken! Stand as CLOSE as you can to watch someone doing a burn-out!!!!!???? doh!!! :small3d007:

You're right there, too many things can go wrong and not just with the loose nut behind the bars. Engine failure, tire failure to mention only a few.
seems like that famous first line must get edited out of a lot of these, you know the one. "Here, hold my beer and watch this"
what a bone head. had a guy doing one of these burnouts in a parking lot 30 feet from my bike. the idiot had slung rubber all over my bike and every other bike within 50 feet. everyone then had to go out and wipe all the stinking rubber off their bikes before we could leave. what are they thinking ?
My dad always told me that you can't fix stupid! :D I think he was talking about me most of the time, but this guy must be a relative of mine. :bigsmiley10:
Ugly John