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Antenea length is a compromise and based on wavelength.

AM band is about 500k to 1600k hertz (HZ)
FM band is 88 to 108 Megahertz (MHZ)

The ideal situation is to build an antenea which is at least 1/4 wavelength to get the best maximum signal from a radio staion.

For AM, that length is over 150 ft.
For FM, that length is almost 3ft. That's almost the same length as the HD whip antenea.

Antenea design is a science, the numbers I quote are ball park.

As you can see, a 150 foot antenea for AM is not practical... The solution is to fool the signal into thinking the antenea is longer than it really is and get a stronger signal. This can be done with a load coil.. Have you seen those 18 wheelers with anteneas on their mirrors with what looks like a tin can at the base of the antenea . Those are load coil. (Its a coil of wire designed for that frequency)
Another solution is a ferrite coil which has many layers of wire wound around a ferrite stick.

FM is different, the antenea length only has to be 2-3 ft to receive a good signal.

The ideal solution is 2 seperate anteneas, 1 AM and 1 FM, and when was the last time anyone saw that ???

Whip anteneas are cheap , load coil and ferrite anteneas are not. With AM and FM stations pumping out so much power, you could stick a coat hanger into your radio and get a signal.
One last thing, the broadcasting of a radio signal is not the same in all parts of the country. Signals are transmitted and shaped to population density. You wouldn't aim a 100,000 watt signal at a population of only 10,000. Instead you shape that signal so that the area with the most population density receives it irregardless of distance.

Enough ranting.
There really is no easy answere. If you find an antenea that your happy with then stick with it , otherwise go satellite.
I've been using the shorty antennas from J&M for both radio and CB on my 2004 Ultra. Both work well with no noticeable difference from the stock whips. Look better too!! About $40 each; however, you get what you pay for!

Product HRUP-ATM Details
I did the same thing with my Ultra. I relaced the long whips with a set of short rubber ones from Autozone for about $15.00 both. I like the look and they dont hit the garage every time that went in.

I have the short ones and love em. With the old long ones when I would leave in the morning I would wake up the wife and kids with the longs dragging against the garage door. I have not seen a difference in reception either. I think they are from the JM ???? place. can't remember it was the first thing I changed on my bike.

J&M, you get what you pay for!!!!!

This was the first thing I replaced myself. Like the look of the J&M's, sound is as good as it was with the whips (plus I use the CD player quite a bit), and the chrome flag poles I have on my luggage rack end up being the same length as the J&Ms, so it's all nice and neat looking (sorry, 20 years military, gotta be uniform).
I cut my whip on my 07 Street Glide down to 2 ft. and I have no problems in any band, they all work great. My bad idea box is with my ex, and she is in it, lol.