Search Result - Harley Davidson Community Here starts the shockproof threads,
Bubbie is the man to talk to about this, He is the IN house expert on Redline:s
Thanks Jack,
The Only reason is,,,,,, I have used Redline in my bikes for many years. I even sold Redline Products. Not to make money but to have it for my friends and few customers way back in the early 1980"s...
I have torn down some of my engine builds over the years, Like in a 1997 Evo that I had built. @ 43,000 miles on that build.
I wanted to Drop in Higher compression and change out cams to suite. Refreshing that motor was easy as the wear was so minimal, no re-bore necessary and a deglazing hone, new wiseco pistons and rings did the trick.
I attrubited the Lack of wear on the motor because of using Redline 20/50 full synthetic in the engine, changing in no less than 3500 miles or no more than 4500 (longer rides) and using HD oil filters.
Now on ShockProof Heavy:
The tranny fluid, ShockProof Heavy Gear Oil, was NOT a hard sell. Just putting in the product and saying IF you don't like it, I'll change you back to you old brand...
NEVER had to change back to their old brand.:s
I would just say: "Go take it for a ride.See IF you like it."
I have used it for years now and have had GREAT results.
Roger, a Marine in his younger day, still built like a brick wall.
Traded off his Pristine 03 bike for an "on Order batwing" 08?
waiting for a month for it to arrive and without a bike.
I ran him over to pick up his new ride. Later that same day, he called and asked IF I would help him out. He planned to take the new bike back and was Locked and Loaded to get results.
Hold on Roger. Whats the problem?
He said that the tranny was,,, well,,, Junk. First and fifth were Like a Grinding not a gearing.
He was determined to get his old ride back and No IF's and BUT's about it.
I took him over a quart of Redline ShockProof, Pushing him to change it out in his tranny. RELUNTANTLY he did.
Wasn't an Hour later he called me saying He would Not believe how Quiet his 6 speeed had become. Thanked me for keeping him out of the slammer.
Story is true and BOY was I releaved Not to have to run over to Sierra Vista HD to find where his Old ride was.
So you see, It is EASY for me to recommend this product.:newsmile011: