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Any plans for a long trip this summer?

if you are up in that area and you have time, it is also great to go over the Monashee mountains in B.C. take hyw 6 out of Vernon and just go. great ride and i miss it
that sounds good, i've taken trips in B.C. around Kootenai Lk on the
Balfour ferry and just love riding there, i'm sure the west side is just as beautiful if not more.
that sounds good, i've taken trips in B.C. around Kootenai Lk on the
Balfour ferry and just love riding there, i'm sure the west side is just as beautiful if not more.

so i just goolgled it, hyw 6 goes to nelson then west bound to kelowna, we always went east to balfour. love that ride will have to make the left turn next time.
I think some friends and I are going to go to Sturgis a few weeks before the rally to avoid the crowds. Planning on going over Beartooth to make up for the time we went over it and couldn't see anything (snow). The ride over North Cascades is a great ride. We went over it in 2007 and they had just put down brand new asphalt on the west side. Too bad to hear about Three Fingered Jacks that was a great bar.
Yup. I was stationed at Whidbey in the 80s and used to ride to Winthrop and back about every other weekend as long as the pass was open. Then two summers ago I took the wife around that way from the east side. We were heading to the Osyster. I was way excited to show her Winthrop and have a beer at 3 Finger Jacks. We came around the corner into town and it was jam packed with a square dancing convention. Jack's is still there, but when we went sinde we discovered it was not what it used to be. What a let down. But the rest of the trip was just as cool as ever.! Beleive it or not there were more bikes at the Oyster than you will find in down town Sturgis on any one day!
I went to Sturgis last summer alone. Ran down to Denver for quick visit with family then home. Total 5692 miles. It wasn't enough. I'm going again this year. Just take my time and stay off the interstates to enjoy this country. Did both camping and every 3 days took a day in a motel to "Clean up and sleep good." Helps refresh. Found that I enjoyed Beef Jerky in my jacket pocket and plenty of water on the bike. Good luck and watch out for those not watching out for you.
I hadn't thought about water. Good idea. I'll be sure to pack some. Hadn't thought about going as far south as AZ. SilverFox, but since you mentioned it I may modify my route to include it. Never been there but my Dad has and always talks about how much he loved the scenery and weather; especially in the winter here in IN.
Heading west the second and third week of May. Black Sheep conference in Southern Cal is the primary destination. Utah is what I am looking most forward to.
Now if the snow would just go away we could ride
I am going from Green Bay Wisconsin to San Padre Island Texas, a friend lives in the area. Leaving on March 11th and comin back on the 20th. Spring break 2011, nothing but bikinis up and down the beach. Was supposed to go with a mutual friend, and we both have ironheads. We were gonna put em in his truck and then ride when we got down there. His girlfriend is giving him a hard time about going, but I just can't tell him that i would much rather ride my ultra all the way down there rather then spend 20 hours in a pickup truck. Hopefully she wins the arguement, it looks like she already has.
Then in the summer, I'm going to be in Normandy for D-day, then over to LeMans for the race, and will have some time after that. I'm going to rent a bike over there and just let the road take me for a bit. Was there last year for the first time and there was just not enough time. Europe is so beautiful, I am so jealous towards all that live there. When I get back stateside in early July, I am going somewhere else, still to be decided, but will probably do a loop from Wisconsin to Eugene Oregon to see a cousin, off to Los Angelas for another cousin. To Phoenix for some friends, and then back to Corpus for more friends. South Carolina to see my sister, and then back to GB in time for the next semester of school. Life is good.......
The wife and I are planning a ride west through Sturgis (before the party), over Beartooth Pass in Yellowstone then on to Salt Lake City, Vegas, Boulder Dam, Flagstaff, Dodge City with stops along the way. We'll stay for a few days in SLC, and make a side trip over Flaming Gorge.

-note to self-self, take lots of pics.

Can't wait.....