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Anybody do any winter riding?

Hi there i ride yearrould it about 25 in the morning and if i,m lucky low 50,s on the way home i live in nv so i do deal with snow but as long as it,s not coming down to bad i ride and i,m 61 so it does bite sometimes,jel
Keep it up, I went over 30 miles today checking two of my vacant properties. Got up to 40* for a little while than dropped off on the way home, literally got cold feet. My 72 year old bones were protesting. I find it just as addicting as golf.

Manage to ride just about whenever the sun is out or its not rainin here on the Wet Coast , just gettin leathered up to go out today 41 degrees and suns shinin , should be great .
I am so lucky to live where I do. It usually doesn't get that cold, sometimes freezing, we just had a bit of snow last night but it's already gone, roads clear and 44 right now. Except for all the dreaded rain (which this year hasn't been bad either) we get on the coast and wind, it's a great place to ride pretty much year round. Keep your rain gear handy and expect to have to wash your ride in rain but what the heck, I'm still riding. Bought this bike in late August and have now just turned a bit over 6000 miles. I just need to get some of the Gerbing heated insoles, have the gloves, don't need the pants or jacket, just the insoles.
Typically, once I put the bike away (right before the first snow) that's it until the thaw. Where I live (South Bend, IN) I worry not only about the snow, but the junk they put on the streets also. Sand/salt mixture makes for a slickery ride, and I hate the thought of what the salt will do to my bike. This winter we've had approx. 80" of snow, and temps as low as -20. Can't wait for spring.
I got out today. I was going into major withdrawals. It was 45 and overcast so I threw on the leathers and took off. 40 miles later it began to rain. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well. I still had a good time and the smile on my face is permanent (at least for today).
I Ride when I can, Down here in the South we get our Cold Spells but it does warm up at Times allowing some Riding Time! :D
I hate to buck the trend here but I guess I'll have to say it...I must be the wimp of this forum.Anything below 50* is really too cold for me.Besides,I keep my electric blanket plugged in till April.Must be my mediterranean blood!