I'll try not to come across as "holier than thou" but here's my opinion. The recurring theme in almost all these stories is "I had no where to go" or "I had no other option." In that case, you were probably going too fast for the situation or allowed yourself to get into a lane position or blocked by another vehicle which eliminated one or more options. A lot of mentioning of the speed limit, too. Doesn't matter. There's lots of times where the safest, prudent speed is well below the speed limit. Lonely, 2 lane country road? Wrong! There's always a dog, deer, or little old lady waiting to appear from nowhere.
Does all this mean I putter around at half the speed limit all the time? Nope. But these are the types of things you discuss at length in any kind of rider education course. They teach you ways to avoid ever "having to lay it down." But then again, motorcycling is more dangerous and inherently risky than driving in our cars and nothing you do can ever totally eliminate that fact.
Does all this mean I putter around at half the speed limit all the time? Nope. But these are the types of things you discuss at length in any kind of rider education course. They teach you ways to avoid ever "having to lay it down." But then again, motorcycling is more dangerous and inherently risky than driving in our cars and nothing you do can ever totally eliminate that fact.