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Anyone from VA or TN area

Sidecars on real curvy roads equals work. Not like a 2 wheel in the twisties. Although I will have to see the Dragon I will probably not slay it

Thanks for the suggestions

We are still in the planning stage but basically will plan to work our way up the Blue Ridge Pkwy from the Smokey Natl. park heading North to The Shenadoah.
Probable side trips to Montecello and perhaps Colonial Williamsburg. It would be cool to get together if anyone wants to ride with old slow dude and dudette plus Boston Terrier that wears goggles and a helmet and thinks she is really bad.

Try googling tail of the dragon and at the top of the page hit Deals gap and check out the pictures. The trucks and crotch rokets on the dragon will get your blood boiling.:bigsmiley31:
If your going the blue ridge parkway its close to my house, in fact my land joins the parkway boundary. Chestoa View on the parkway is a great place to take pictures its close to mile post 125 going north. You must stop at Linville Falls area. its a 1/4 mile hike from the parking lot but some spectular views and opportunity for great pictures almost like grand canyon east. Of course don't forget the via-duct.:ap
Scrinch I misspelled the mile post number its suppose to be 325 in north carolina. You'll love the blue ridge parkway if you can stand the detours.