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Anyone using an EZ-UP Center Stand

I have a Harley center stand on my 2007 Softail Standard (FXST). Very handy, use it often for cleaning, servicing, parking. It saves a lot of parking space. Easy to use. You lose no lean angle left or right and very little ground clearance. None at the center, just a little in front of the back wheel. Not something you would remove often; four bolts, a little hard to get to. It can be used as a jack, just put a block of wood on the floor, no need to change the adjustment on the legs. I was raised on British upright twins, they all had them. Would not be without one now.
Good thread here. I would like to know - seems a big HD might be kinda difficult to pick up on a center stand - is it? How do you put the bike up on this center stand?

I had one on my 09 Ultra, but removed because of ground clearance problems. Would drag coming out of some parking areas, or on speed bumps. Hit it once in a corner at speed, and just never used it again. It works fine and is good quality, but the scraping was not something I could handle.