There is a ton of good advice here. If you have an Ultra or any HD with intercom capability, I would add the headsets and cords. My wife and I totally enhanced our touring abilities by adding the intercom. We turn the radio off and just talk throughout the trip. This helps keep us both alert and makes the miles fly by. Don't drink just water on your stops. We both are coffee hounds but when traveling, we only drink it for breakfast. When we stop during the day we sometimes will eat a banana and have a pint of Chocolate milk. Bananas are high in Potassium, which relieve muscle soreness, and chocolate milk has all kinds of nutrients in it to make you feel better. As far as not taking the trailer, we made that choice last summer when we went to Billings, MT. After making the trip-even during the trip, we wished the trailer was along. If you're stopping every one hundred fifty miles anyhow, you may as well take it. Gold Bond for your "self" and your boots. Enjoy your trip, and don't plan your schedule so tight that you cannot do any side trips you come across. A few years ago, we were towing our trailer through very rural Iowa when we saw a sign for the "Field of Dreams" farm. We are both baseball fans so we made an hour in our trip to go see it. It was only 3 miles out of the way. Have a ton of fun and ride safely.