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April snow brings May......?

I know how you're feeling. Still hovering around the freezing mark here with occassional snow showers a couple days ago. But today is sunny and the forecast is calling for double (celcius) digits by the weekend (when I'm working of course). On the bright side I did start up the Ultra last week and moved it to the front of the garage while moving the snow blower to the backyard.:D

Mother Nature is giving me a chance to work on the basement bathroom reno I started in January.:p
Talked to the MIL yesterday...she's thinking about heading South to NE to get away from the white stuff for a bit. Hard to believe we're only separated by 300 miles, but I've already mowed the yard and they're still running!
Pretty heavy rains here, but at least we don't have the extreme low temps. and none of the dreaded white stuff.
It has been in the mid to high 70's here all week and still rain free for the foreseeable future.:)
April snow brought us a May ride! First Sunday Funday on the bikes since last season! Did ride it to work one day last week but today was about 180 miles of pure bliss! :)