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Are dealers willing to haggle over price?

I have 2 dealers near me. One is City Limits Harley and they play like they're Carmax. MSRP no questions asked. The other is Chicago Harley which will bend over backwards to get you on a bike. It all depends on the dealer.
When I bought my sporty the dealer wouldnt deal on the cycle price but gave me 500. store credit and a % off whatever else I bought that day.
One thing I think is to my advantage is I have 3 dealers within 25 miles of each other, and probably 6+ within a 50 mile radius of my home. I would want the 96B engine as it is balanced and I'm not sure if that was available on bikes earlier then 2009. This stroked engine puts out 15% more torque. Not sure if a new bike is worth the grief I know I would get from the wife.
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Tell your salesman that you can't do MSRP. If they tell you thats where they start...walk away.There are dealers that'll be happy to deal. You just gotta find one you're comfortable with. I got $1500 off msrp and 25% of all my accessories plus 15% off all future purchases as long as my warranty is in force (7 yrs).

I got almost the identicle deal on my 09 Ultra but with 12% off future purchases.
All the dealers within my area will deal but you have to push them. I never liked it when the car dealers went to "no haggle pricing". The hunt and challenge is part of the fun buying an expensive item. My sons and wife will not go with me when I'm seriously shopping for a car or new motorcycle. My youngest son said it reminds him of arab slave trader beating them up for a better price. I have learned that they will not sell for a lost but my goal is to get them as close as possible. I own a business and some of my customers pay more for the same... if you don't challenge for a better price you will pay more than you have to!
No matter what I purchase,bike or major parts,I check with three or four different places,not only within my area,there are ones you can use against your own dealer,one of them of course being Chicago Harley.Make sure you write down the pricing in your conversations and then take that to your local dealer,chances are they will see the light and their numbers will get better.If not make your deal elsewhere and get them to ship it to you.Most dealers will ship free anywhere in the U.S.:D
A trick I learned when you shop for a bike or car. Have the salesperson write the best price you can get on what you are buying on the back of one of their business cards. Now you have some bargaining power.

You could even write it yourself on a card you ask them for, but remember to write the best price you think the bike is worth :s:s (keep it realistic)
My three rules of haggling:

Never show you are in "Love" with the item in question.

Be willing to walk away from the store if you don't get a "reasonable" price.

Don't get angry or take it personally, or at least don't show it.
All sales folks will negotiate. ALL OF THEM! It's part of sales. My wife (the best sales person I've ever seen) taught me:

1. You (the buyer) must demonstrate you're serious. Tire kickers do not get the "best price".

2. You are trying to determine their (the seller) walk away price, the price at which they will walk away from the deal. Start low enough and work up.

3. They are trying to determine your walk away price. If you don't walk away at least once, you don't get their best price.

My dealer allowed large (50%) discounts on the extended warranty, no charges for dealer freight or prep, and discounted installed options. Yet the sales contract showed MSRP. The whole time I had $8,000 cash laid on the sales manager's table. He knew I was serious.

So be brave and negotiate. Remember to walk away at least once!