I rechecked the exhaust it was leaking again, I installed a new clamp along with some high temp silocone. So far no more leak.
The map actualy was decreasing fuel in the 0% throttle range(-10). I changed those values to 0. Rode the Bike to work this am, and it is still popping slightly, but no where near as bad.
Yes I bought the pcv from Fuel Moto, and yes they retrofit the pcv to run on bikes older than 09's. I think I made a mistake in going with the pcv instead of the pcIII. Because the only map data base that I am aware of for the retrofits is through Fuel Moto. If any body knows of any others please let me know. Doese anybody know if the maps at power comander will work for a retrofit unit ?
I appreciate all of the good advice. I am getting ready to ride home (about 40 miles), I am anxous to see how it runs.
Now that you increased the 0% throttle settings and you've lost some decel pop, increase the settings up to 10 and see if all the pop goes away. If it gets rid of more decel pop, then keep increasing by units of 5 until you get it to where your happy with the results. You actually could increase it to as much as 40 if you wanted, but that would seem to be overkill and might affect your gas mileage somewhat.
As for the PCV map, if you go to the Power Commander web site and find a map from another years bike and it's more compatible, then print the new map out. Next, hook up your computer to the bike and get the map that's installed in the PCV. SAVE the fuelmoto map in your computer(maybe print a hard copy too). Now, take the hard copy of the map you got from the Power Commander web site and put those numbers in place of the ones from the fuelmoto map. Using older maps on the newer PCV would be a retrofit. You can do it yourself. Just takes a little time. The nice thing about Jamie's newer maps is that both cylinders are tuned independently, where the PC websites maps are only one cylinder tuning. Just my 2cents.
I probably should mention, because the PCV has a 15% throttle column, that you should interpolate for the 15% throttle position. For example, say 30 is the value at 1500rpms in the 10% throttle position and 20 is the value at 1500rpms in the 20% throttle position, then the value for the 15% at 1500 rpms would be 25. For any rpm row, whatever value is on either side(right and left) of the 15% column, add them together and divide by 2. That's the value you put in the 15% column.
Also, when you get the older map you like, from the Power Commander website, if you open it up on the older Power Commander Control Center you can "cut and paste" the numbers to the new PCV Control Center map. You just have to cut and paste twice, because there is NO 15% throttle position on the older maps. So, you cut and paste 0,2,5,10 and then do 20,40,60,80,100. Making sure you paste them in their proper columns It's a lot faster to cut and paste then doing it one cell at a time. You just have to be careful you don't put the numbers in the wrong cells, because of the missing 15% throttle position on the older maps. Just my 2cents.